Friday, March 12, 2010

Graduation Etiquette

Graduation Etiquette. Something that everyone who's graduated/graduating should know, correct? Well, I didn't have a single clue on even how to begin. So, what did I do? I googled it (: Trusty google. Well here's what I came up with: 

When to send them: For those not attending the party then mail the announcements from 2 weeks before and up to 2 weeks after the graduation.

The Envelopes: Should be addressed in black or blue ink. The outer envelope should be formally addressed. The inner envelope should be addressed informally. Avoid using abbreviations on the envelope. Place the announcement in the smaller envelope, folded edge inserted first, with the announcement front facing the flap. You may fasten the flap using a foil etiquette seal, or leave it untucked.

If you receive any gift: Always write a thank you note, however, if you send one it should be no later than 1 month after graduation. Try and say what you are going to do with the money, and show appreciation for the gift. 

I was talking to my friend Lauren, and she has about 150 people that she has to send them out to, so she's already begun to write out her invitations. Me, I don't have nearly that many but I've decided to start writing them just to get the process over with and make it seem like less of a chore. Oh goodness, it seems as if there is so much to get done before graduating, but I can't wait (: !


erika sorocco said...

I'm graduating with my BA in Psych in September/October. I had no clue etiquette regarding graduation even existed - love this post!! :)

Hope Chella said...

This is funny! I love google too :)


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