This weekend was absolutely perfect. Unfortunately my DSLR is huge and at home. So really the only camera I carry around with me is my iPhone. I need a bigger purse so I can carry it around more often. This weekend was fully of time spent with my boyfriend (which I cherish), out to eat dinners and times with friends.
I always attempt to read the school paper everyday. Even sometimes doing the crossword puzzle, although I have trouble finishing it.
I thought that it would be cold on Friday...I was mistaken. I ended up talking off all my cold gear and walking around in my shirt and pants.
We went to India's on Friday night and got some of the best food in the world. I love it.
Then, on Saturday, boyfriend and I ran errands...Isn't he just adorable!
Saturday Night? Sushi date. SO much goodness. I love sushi wayy too much and could drop ungodly amounts on it.
Since we were running errands all day, I felt like we sat at red lights forever.
Then we went to this cute little resturant/bar called Chelsea's too see these two "Southern Rock" bands play. I loved them and so did Boyfriend and our two friends.