Thursday, September 9, 2010

Little Boxes Made of Ticky Tacky

...little boxes all the same. Oh, boxes, boxes, boxes. For the past two and a half weeks whenever someone asks me "Hey! What are you doing" my response has been building boxes. Now this may sound really easy, arts and crafts right? Wrong. If you assume that you are 200% wrong. The technical term for what we've been doing is "creating space". Now, please don't ask me to try an explain because I've tried...many times...and each time ends in someone turning their head sideways, smiling and saying..."oh!". It's okay, I know you have no freaking clue what we're talking about. Now these boxes aren't just little boxes, they're intense. Pull your hair out, want to scream, get two hours of sleep a night if you're lucky intense. Like below, only with cardboard.



Karen said...

Someday you shall build me a box. I still have your first drawing (from 2 weeks ago) on the fridge.

Annah said...

That song always reminds me of Weeds :) God how I love that show. Fun little hobby to have though.

Annah said...

That song always reminds me of Weeds :) God how I love that show. Fun little hobby to have though.


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